Shop Trenchers in Western NC


Caterpillar T109 Hydraulic Trencher with combo teeth

Caterpillar T109 Hydraulic Trencher with rockfrost teeth

Caterpillar T109 Hydraulic Trencher with standard teeth

Caterpillar T109 Hydraulic Trencher with standard teeth

Caterpillar T109 Hydraulic Trencher with terminator teeth

Caterpillar T109 Manual Trencher with combo teeth

Caterpillar T109 Manual Trencher with rockfrost teeth

Caterpillar T109 Manual Trencher with standard teeth

Caterpillar T109 Manual Trencher with standard teeth

Caterpillar T109 Manual Trencher with terminator teeth

Caterpillar T112 Hydraulic Trencher with combo teeth

Caterpillar T112 Hydraulic Trencher with rockfrost teeth