

How We Serve You<\/h2>\r\n

Local government agencies and entities throughout western North Carolina must find ways to make the most of limited resources and tight budgets these days. When it comes to heavy equipment for performing various municipal projects, organizations face the challenge of cutting costs without sacrificing quality, performance or safety.<\/p>\r\n

At Carolina Cat, we can help your government agency meet its project objectives and reduce operating costs by offering an array of high-quality municipal construction equipment for sale and rent at competitive prices. You’ll also receive the exceptional support we’ve provided for more than 90 years.<\/p>\r\n

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New and Used<\/h3>\r\n

Carolina Cat helps your business succeed every day by ensuring you’ve got the right machine for the job.\u00a0As the authorized Cat\u00ae\u00a0dealer for western North Carolina, we offer a complete selection of new municipal equipment from Caterpillar featuring the most advanced technologies in the industry. The latest Cat products will enable you to complete more work in less time and provide many years of reliable service.<\/p>\r\n

Examples of our new Cat lineup for municipal construction include:<\/p>\r\n